A Golden Rule Opportunity
Love does not behave rudely. (1 Corinthians 13 vs 4-5)
Home is where we let out hair down. We relax and unwind; we freely share our opinions and vent out frustrations. Home is where he doesn’t have to shave, and she doesn’t have to put on mascara. It’s where we can transparently be ourselves. And that’s well and good. But letting our hair down does not mean letting basic courtesies go by the wayside. Interrupting when someone is talking; turning the TV volume too loud when someone is trying to take a nap, making jokes or being sarcastic at another expense……we all can be inconsiderate at times.
But, as the apostle Paul puts it, Love is not rude. Our sense of entitlement or our sinful self-centeredness is often behind our rudeness, but as we seek to honor God with a lifestyle of gracious, thoughtful, and respectful interactions with our spouse, home will be a much more pleasant place. Now be honest with yourself. What rude words or actions have you been guilty of in recent past? It’s probably easier to identify much missteps in your spouse, but you’re the only one you can change.
Ask forgiveness for my offense that resulted and do what you can to make up for any ill feelings. Let basic politeness oil the wheels of your day-to-day married life.
- Let your spouse be a mirror of how you act around the house. Ask him/her this question…….and don’t shoot the messenger when you hear the answer! Take a deep breath then ask, what rude behaviors am I guilty of? Thank your spouse for the honest answer and ask them to please pray for you as you work on doing better.
- Come up with special and significant ways to show respect and courtesy to your spouse for all that he/she does and is for you. Then do them! We all want to be appreciated.
How gentle and tender ought we to be with others who are foolish when we remember how foolish we are, ourselves.
Father God, you know that rudeness and arrogance come more naturally and easily to me than kindness and politeness. I yield to your spirit now and ask you to transform me, change me, so that your love will overpower my sinful nature for your glory and the good of my marriage.