Updates from our Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship – Forfeiting Peace of Conscience

“Brethren and sisters, if the Lord has blessed you with means, do not look upon it as your own. Regard it as yours in trust for God, and be true and honest in paying tithes and offerings. When a pledge is made by you, be sure that God expects you to pay as promptly as […]

STEWARDSHIP – “God’s Reserves of Time and Means”

“In like manner a tithe of our income is “holy unto the Lord.” The New Testament does not re-enact the law of the tithe, as it does not that of the Sabbath; for the validity of both is assumed, and their deep spiritual import is explained….. While we as a people are seeking faithfully to […]

Stewardship – “Living Within the Income”

“Many do not remember the cause of God, and carelessly expend money in holiday amusements, in dress and folly, and when there is a call made for the advancement of the work in the home and foreign missions, they have nothing to give, or even have overdrawn their account. Thus they rob God in tithes and offerings, and through […]

Stewardship – “Diverting Minds From The Truth”

“Every movement of this order, which comes in to excite the desire to get riches quickly by speculation, takes the minds of the people away from the most solemn truths that ever were given to mortals. There may be encouraging prospects for a time, but the end of the matter is failure. The Lord endorses […]

Stewardship – “Guard Against Mistakes on Both Sides”

“The question now before us is, Shall we try to secure the places that seem desirable in price and location, when we cannot tell where our money is coming from? Brethren —, —, and others are opposed to the increasing of debts. But I am not prepared to say that we should not, under any […]

Stewardship – “Subordinate Every Earthly Interest”

“Every power of God’s servants is to be kept in continual exercise to bring many sons and daughters to God. In His service there is to be no indifference, no selfishness. Any departure from self-denial to self-indulgence, any relaxation of earnest supplication for the Holy Spirit’s working, means so much power given to the enemy. […]

Stewardship – “A Brake on the Wheels of Progress”

“The idea that a sanitarium should not be established unless it could be started free from debt, has put the brake upon the wheels of progress. In building meetinghouses we have to borrow money, in order that something might be done at once. We have been obligated to do this, in order to fulfill the […]

Stewardship – “Why the Debt Remains”

“ I have a message from the Lord. The churches must awaken from their torpor, and think of these things. “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts.” Are we as families appropriating the Lord’s silver and gold to selfish purposes, and doing nothing to lighten the debt on His house? […]