Jesus said, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20)
Many couples find it difficult to pray together. Why? One reason may be that they are not treating each other with love and respect, and that stands as a barrier between them. The answer to this problem is confession and repentance. First John 1:9 says, “if we confess our sins to Him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.”
It is a sin to fail to love our spouse, or to fail to treat him or her with kindness and respect. Such sin needs to be confessed and forgiven, then you will be able to pray together. A second reason couples are unable to pray together may be that one or both of them have never learned to pray with another person. Too many people, prayer is private. While you should pray in private for your spouse, you should also pray with your spouse.
After all, Jesus told his disciples that if even two or three of them were gathered together, he would be present among them. That’s a powerful statement and a great testimony to praying together as a couple. An easy way to get started is with silent prayer. It works like this: you hold hands, close your eyes, then pray silently. When you have finished praying, you say, “Amen,” and then wait until your spouse says, “Amen.” Praying silently while holding hands is one way of praying together, and it will enhance your marriage.
Father, I am grateful for your promise to be present with us when we pray together. Sometimes that feels awkward or difficult, but please help us to commit to praying together as a couple. I know it’s important for us spiritually and emotionally.